If you have more to add about the painting, comment below and share what you know. If one of the paintings ignited the creative light inside you, be sure to upvote it. AugExperienced watercolorists make mixing landscape greens look super easy, don’t they The truth is that, if you’re still getting the idea of basic color mixing, then you know it’s not easy. If you are out looking for a drop of inspiration, look no further than the paintings of famous landscapes below, one after another, and high chances are that those landscape painting ideas will start planting seeds in your head too.

From desolated buildings to love-infused couples - you wouldn’t be surprised to know that the most famous landscape paintings are able to combine several of these elements into one perfect piece of art. A painting of a landscape can have a lot of different elements in it, including man-made structures as well as people. We only see the world from our eyes, but creative works, like paintings, allow us to see the same thing from a different set of eyes. See more ideas about landscape paintings, easy landscape paintings, landscape. PAINTING for BEGINNERS Acrylics URARTSTUDIO 698K subscribers Join Subscribe 42K views 1 year ago CLEVELAND Brushes. Plenty of beautiful landscape paintings can combine reality and fiction. Explore Charlottes board 'Easy landscape paintings' on Pinterest. Painted landscapes sometimes feel surreal, like something not of this Earth. Compared to many fall landscape painting ideas, this easy and colorful nature painting has a unique perspective of a person inside looking out the window. All works of creativity are just fruits of the mind.