The third is Day of Judgement, written by Geoff Johns. Hal Jordan was created by John Broome and Gil Kane after an initial concept by Julius Schwartz, first appearing in Showcase #22 ( 1959). Due to time travel shenanigans, Kyle encounters Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps in the past, and Hal tags along when Kyle returns to the present. He is a founding member of the Justice League of America. A powerless Kyle Rayner visits a Metropolis prison to see a devastated Hal Jordan who believes he has murdered the Green Lantern Corps. Other Lanterns that have acted as his partners, successors or replacements at times have included Guy Gardner, John Stewart and Kyle Rayner.

Although he is the most well-known Lantern, Alan Scott of the Golden Age is the original version of the character. Having turned into the evil Parallax during Emerald Twilight and died during The Final Night, his soul became a host of the Spectre during Day of Judgment until his resurrection during Green Lantern: Rebirth. In his secret identity he is a test pilot working for Ferris Aircraft where his boss Carol Ferris is also his romantic interest. The strength of his willpower allows him to wield the universe's mightiest weapon, a power ring controlled by his thoughts. Parallax is also capable of all of the immense.
Featured on the justice league and batman movie and comics Approx. Parallax as the embodiment of Fear, is capable of generating, and manipulating vast amounts of energy. Note: Before making any changes to this page, please read and follow the Power-scaling Rules for Marvel and DC Comics.Hal Jordan is considered the greatest Green Lantern, an intergalactic law enforcer and member of the Green Lantern Corps, chosen by the Guardians of the Universe for his ability to overcome great fear. Buy MCFARLANE TOYS DC GREEN LANTERN EMERALD TWILIGHT PARALLAX in Kulai,Malaysia.

He even defeated the Spectre and erased heroes, such as Superman, from the timeline.

Were always friends. Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Mind Manipulation (Parallax is able to control others), Possession (Parallax can use other beings as hosts), Energy Manipulation and Projection and Absorption, Non-Corporeal, Abstract Existence, Fear Manipulation, Immortality (Types 1, 6, 8), In Zero Hour, Parallax was able to manipulate space and time to the point where it could recreate the universe in its image, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 4. 'Sinestro, now would be a very good time to become friends.' 'Thats my secret, Hal. Classification: Alien Parasite/Conceptual being/Embodiment of fear